Fallen Riders Memorial Poker Run & Dinner

$20 entry includes – beer, soda, chili, hot dogs, ham sandwiches, entry for door prizes.

January 27,28, & 29 Weekend poker run though out Jefferson County. Bring proof seen of visiting any of the locations on our trail map (dates pictures of you at the business, a receipt or signed and dates business card) Up to 5 locations per person to show for your 5 cards, with an optional 2 card buy in at $5 per card.

Unable to play poker, $20 can get you included, just on for the poker prizes.

Fallen Riders Facebook Page

The most current information will be located on the Facebook page.

JAYS Fundraiser

The Jefferson Area Youth Snowmobilers are selling Ride lights for their fundraiser. These lights are used out east, and we are seeing more and more of them in the UP Michigan. They allow on comers to know there are more snowmobilers in your group without having to remove your hands from the handlebars. If you are interested, please contact a youth member in your club for the following members.
Jon Lenz @ jonlenzjcsa@gmail.com, 920-723-0188, Ethan Degner degnee22@llhs.org, 920-723-2259, Jena Lenz jenalenz11@gmail.com 920-674-5793 or email jeffersoncountyteenclub@gmail.com.

This is a current fundraiser for the youth club. They are trying to promote safe riding! Please consider a safe hands on ride!