Snowmobile Safety Course

SNOWMOBILE SAFETY TRAINING CLASS The Jefferson Sno-Hawks Snowmobile club is hosting a snowmobile safety course:

Tue. Dec. 3rd 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thur. Dec 5th 6:30-8:30pm, December 10th 6:30-8:30pm p.m.

LOCATION… St. Mark Church 324 S. Sanborn Ave Jefferson, WI 53549
Cost per person: $10

Pre-registration is required—sign up is easy: Go to the Wisconsin DNR Go Wild Web site (Wisconsin DNR Go Wild!) Click on “Safety Education” Click on “Browse for a class” Change “Course Type” to “Snowmobile” Change “County” to “Jefferson” Click “Enroll” – Enrollment MUST be child’s DNR number (not parents). You can request DNR number on Go Wild website for registrant.

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